Istio 请求响应标志

整理了一下 Istio 的 Response Flags



协议 缩写 备注 备注
HTTP DC DOWNSTREAM_CONNECTION_TERMINATION Downstream connection termination.
HTTP DI DELAY_INJECTED The request processing was delayed for a period specified via fault injection.
HTTP DPE DOWNSTREAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR The downstream request had an HTTP protocol error.
HTTP FI FAULT_INJECTED The request was aborted with a response code specified via fault injection.
HTTP IH INVALID_ENVOY_REQUEST_HEADERS The request was rejected because it set an invalid value for a strictly-checked header in addition to 400 response code.
HTTP LH FAILED_LOCAL_HEALTH_CHECK Local service failed health check request in addition to 503 response code.
HTTP LR LOCAL_RESET Connection local reset in addition to 503 response code.
HTTP/TCP NC NO_CLUSTER_FOUND Upstream cluster not found.
HTTP/TCP NR NO_ROUTE_FOUND No route configured for a given request in addition to 404 response code, or no matching filter chain for a downstream connection.
HTTP RL RATE_LIMITED The request was ratelimited locally by the HTTP rate limit filter in addition to 429 response code.
HTTP RLSE RATELIMIT_SERVICE_ERROR The request was rejected because there was an error in rate limit service.
HTTP SI STREAM_IDLE_TIMEOUT Stream idle timeout in addition to 408 response code.
HTTP UAEX UNAUTHORIZED_EXTERNAL_SERVICE The request was denied by the external authorization service.
HTTP UC UPSTREAM_CONNECTION_TERMINATION Upstream connection termination in addition to 503 response code.
HTTP/TCP UF UPSTREAM_CONNECTION_FAILURE Upstream connection failure in addition to 503 response code.
HTTP/TCP UH NO_HEALTHY_UPSTREAM No healthy upstream hosts in upstream cluster in addition to 503 response code.
HTTP UMSDR UPSTREAM_MAX_STREAM_DURATION_REACHED The upstream request reached to max stream duration.
HTTP/TCP UO UPSTREAM_OVERFLOW Upstream overflow (circuit breaking) in addition to 503 response code.
HTTP UPE UPSTREAM_PROTOCOL_ERROR The upstream response had an HTTP protocol error.
HTTP UR UPSTREAM_REMOTE_RESET Upstream remote reset in addition to 503 response code.
HTTP/TCP URX UPSTREAM_RETRY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The request was rejected because the upstream retry limit (HTTP) or maximum connect attempts (TCP) was reached.
HTTP UT UPSTREAM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Upstream request timeout in addition to 504 response code.